Mobile Photoworkshop

Mobile Photoworkshop

Lovely Idunaren,


Do you want to make pictures of yourself, friends, nature and all other kinds of things look even better? Then you’re in luck, because the Photoworkshop is back!


This Photoworkshop is going to be for taking pictures on your phone particularly, so it is applicable to everyone. If you own a camera feel free to bring it with you, but just know the focus will lay on Mobile photography. The workshop is going to be given by James Nyirenda, who you might know, as he also shoot our beautifull pictures at the Gala. James will teach you all the ins and outs of taking the perfect photo!


This lovely activity will take place on the 13th of May and will be completely FREE and open to all Idun members. The Photoworkshop will start at 18:30 and will approximately be finished at 20:30. The exact location is yet to be determined. Soda and snacks will be provided ;)


Signing up is possible NOW via!  

If you unfortunately decide to cancel your participation, please make sure to do so before the 11th of May 18:00. After this deadline, any participation fees will not be refunded.


We are looking forward to seeing you, and the beautifull photos you are going to take ;)



The Papzcie


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