Cocktail Party: Wild Western

Cocktail Party: Wild Western

IdunTown is empty. In the middle of red deserts, the sun is shining. The only shadow is the one of an eagle flying under the sun. Sweat is dripping along your neck from cycling to the saloon. As you enter, you hear a scream for help. A thief stole someone’s Idun socks! You take your tequila gun and point it at the bandit. They stop, slowly turning around. The eye contact lasts forever. *insert western music* But you’re the first one to shoot! The robber drops to the ground and you pick up the socks. The victim throws themselves in your arms and you’re relieved to finally have a date for tonight. 


The two of you enter the Nachtcafé Warhol (Papengang 6). It’s May 28th, 21:00 H, you are right on time. Even if the party will end at midnight you have no doubt you will enjoy the amazing FYC cocktail party for which you only pay €4🍸! 


The first cocktail is free? Awesome! You chug it and it’s now time to show your best moves on Cotton-Eyed Joe🌵! 


Sign ups open on the 13th of May, hope to see you there!



The FYC, your Ebrius Avibus🦅



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